Painting reveals the depth of the world and the depth within the artist and the viewer. This is the mission of every art form, but the depth can vary in quality and quantity. Through my painting, I attempt to uncover constructive values and perspectives on reality. To draw attention to my artistic thought, I create paintings with illuminated holes, in the trend of neo-spatial art.

Birth of Conspiracy Theory

The first in a series of works in the neospatial art movement. The large circular cut-out in the center features a backlit background, which enhances the depth and impact of the piece. The message is ambiguous, primarily focusing on the search for multidimensional truths. One could say that the painting is literally and figuratively a well of interpretation.


The second image in the neo-spatial art trend. In this case, the message is quite clear. Here, exploration is depicted literally. However, the truth seems to lie beyond the reach of researchers, simultaneously serving as an inexhaustible engine of exploration.

Painter's Box

Taking the power of painting seriously, I decided to create a unique painter's toolbox - a portable studio in the form of a box that contains paints, brushes, and sheets of paper. The box features a small drawing with descriptions that capture all possible thoughts that came to mind. These descriptions include those related to visual fantasies, topics in physics, and philosophy. The work that I created has become the foundation of my philosophy and my unconventional way of perceiving the world.

First 40 Days from the Painter's Notebook

I strive to create and reinforce the new genre of painting. To achieve this, I keep an aqua notebook where I paint a picture with a diameter of 60 mm every day. These are usually simple depictions of everyday life or representations of thoughts. I describe my progress and creative process in an audio-visual form as part of the "Painter's Notebook" project. In this way, my work becomes a piece of art with a philosophical and social dimension.

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A pastoral scene depicting a game of volleyball at Pola Mokotowskie in Warsaw. Although it is a simple scene, I feel that these types of paintings are missing in public and museum spaces today.

One of the First Watercolors Defining My Direction

The painting depicts a cottage in Mazury. The orange doors are a magical passage to the world of art, which is possible with a little effort in any circumstance.



All images and content copyright of Paul Suliga